The team is made up of economic researchers and strategic consultants.
Althesys staff gathers a set of qualified and multidisciplinary competences combining professionals, academics, consultants and managers of high level and proved experience.
Academic, professional and managerial experiences in different organizations, from manufacturing to services and universities, are merged in Althesys culture in order to give to the customers a flexible, reliable and sound support through a unique set of competencies
Alessandro Marangoni
Chief Executive Officer
Business economist, degree in business administration at Bocconi University, is a strategy and finance expert in energy and environment industries, both at an academic and professional level. Professor and manager with a huge experience in different industrial and services segments, is the author of many strategy and business administration publications.

Nicola Bianchi
Economist, PhD in Management, Finance and Banking, Master of science in Economics and teaching assistant at Tor Vergata University in Rome. Long expertise in econometric research and analysis, he’s focused on sustainability and creating value in different sectors, like food & beverage and consumer goods.

Gianluca Cencia
Engineer, expert in the utility industry, both as a manager and as a consultant. He was formerly director of Federambiente, now Utilitalia, the Italian public energy, water and waste utilities association. Ha has been working in Althesys since many years, taking part in the think tank WAS since its foundation and he is Vice President of the Shared Value Institute.

Francesco Marghella
Economist focused on the energy industry, PhD in Internationalization of SMEs at the University of Perugia, master’s degree in Environment, Development and Territorial Economics at the Roma Tre University, mainly involved in research and consultancy in the environment and energy sectors. He is responsible for NET – New Electricity Trends, relating to the electricity market and coordinator of the Irex think tank on renewable energies and the energy industry.

Matteo Conconi
Economist, graduated in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Liuc-Università Carlo Cattaneo, degree sales and marketing at ILAC Interna-tional College in Toronto. Althesys consultant, carried out projects on sustainability and creating value in different industries, like energy, food & beverage, and fast moving consumer goods.

Fabio Roccon
Economist, degree in Companies and markets economics at Catholic University in Milan and Degree in History at Milan University. Althesys senior consultant, carried on several projects in the energy industry. Previously worked in a gas selling company and in a financial-energy agency in London.

Emanuele Vendramin
Managerial engineer, degree at Politecnico di Milano, energy and environment industry expert, with a specific focus on power and renewables. Althesys senior consultant, carried on several projects and surveys on renewable energy, focusing both on the technological and economic aspects.

Alessandra Zacconi
Managerial engineer, Master of science in Environmental and Food Economics and master in Green Management, Energy and Corporate Social Responsibility at Bocconi University. Althesys senior analyst, is specialized in environment and water segments, coordinates the think tank Waste Strategy. Supervises projects in environmental sectors: water, waste management and recycling.