The renewal of hydropower concessions and the benefits for the national system

Piacenza Expo, 29th October 2024 h 9.45 a.m.

The assignment of hydropower concessions is very important right now. Most of Italy’s big hydropower concessions will expire in 2029. At the same time, European laws set difficult goals for renewable energy, which also affects the electricity system’s balance.
Italy is the only country in Europe that immediately reassigns expired large hydropower concessions through public tenders. According to Law No. 12/2019, each region sets its own laws and regulations – which may differ – for assigning large hydropower concessions. This can be done through public tenders, the creation of public-private companies, or public-private partnerships (PPP). Some regions (such as Abruzzo and Lombardy) have already launched the first tender procedures for expired hydropower concessions. However, legal actions were immediately taken by several parties, creating a serious risk of investment stagnation for many years. The workshop aims to discuss the current situation of the hydropower sector, focusing on the violation of the European principle of fair competition and exploring the possibility of a different allocation method—a “fast-track” system to quickly start new investments and support the growth of the hydropower sector and its related industries, which are crucial for the economy of mountain areas.


Giuseppe ARGIRÒ – Vicepresident of Elettricità Futura
Enrico BORGHI – Hon.
Angelica CATALANO – General Director for dams and water infrastructures, MIT
Tommaso DALBOSCO – General Director of FederBIM
Tommaso FOTI – Hon.
Antonella FRIGERIO – Vicedirector of the Dep. Sustainable development and Energy sources, RSE
Cesare MAINARDIS – Lawyer – UniFe – Federidroelettrica
Simona MALPEZZI – Hon.
Alessandro MARANGONI – CEO Althesys
Vinicio PELUFFO – Hon.
Luca SQUERI – Hon.
Mario TROGNI – CEO Alperia Greenpower GmbH
Francesco VINCENZI President of ANBI
Riccardo ZUCCONI – Hon.

Moderator: Jacopo GILIBERTO Director of

*Some contributions will be presented via video conference

Preregistration on the website