9.00‐9.30 |
Registration and welcome coffee |
9.30‐9.45 |
Renewable energy for the Italian economic growth
- Gerardo Montanino – GSE Gestore Servizi Energetici
9.45‐10.15 |
Irex Annual Report presentation
The Italian renewables industry between international competition and national policies
- Alessandro Marangoni – Althesys Strategic Consultants
10.15‐10.30 |
Italy in the worldwide framework
- Paolo Frankl – IEA International Energy Agency
10.30‐10.45 |
The renewable energy scenario in China
- Bai Mei ‐ Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (in cooperation with AgiChina24.it)
10.45‐11.30 |
The choices of italian energy policy
- Luciano Barra Director, Energy Department of Ministry of Economic Development
- Alberto Biancardi Electricity and Gas Authority
- Costantino Lato GSE ‐ Energy Services Manager
11.30-12.30 |
What policies for renewable in Italy?
- Stefano Conti Terna (Italian Grid)
- Andrea Fluttero Italian Senate Committee on Environment
- Valerio Natalizia Gifi
- Adolfo Spaziani Federutility (Italian Public utilities associatioAdolfo association)
- Federico Testa Italian Chamber Committee on Industry
- Simone Togni Anev (Italian Wind Energy Association)
- Antonio Cianciullo, La Repubblica
12.30‐13.15 |
The Italian renewables industry, between economic trend and public policies
- Giulio Antonello – Alerion
- Felice Egidi – Enel Green Power
- Piero Manzoni – Falck Renewables
- Giorgio Pucci – Enerqos
- Giuseppe Noviello – HFV
- Michele Scandellari – Seci Energia
13.15 |