Evaluating electric prices trends, understanding power markets complexity and looking forward to the future.
Electric market complexity makes requires a comprehensive vision of the whole energetic system, of the economic and energetic evolution and a great knowledge of new technologies’ development.
Analysis on medium-long term of Italian electricity market, with in-depth focus on policy aspects, economic drivers and their potential evolutions make up NET, i.e. New Electricity Trends.
NET supports operators in corporate strategy design, in financial planning of investments in new plants or in the revamping of the existent ones, in evaluating acquisitions and defining market entry way.
Proprietary model developed by Althesys is an advanced simulation and forecast tool. It is a solid and up-to-date system, also thanks to the scientific cooperation with Pisa University.
NET is a key tool for energy management activities, profitability, technologies and costs evaluation, providing analysis and forecasts for specific client’s needs.
Prices scenarios evaluation is based on current trends and potential power market reforms. This is the goal of the service that Althesys provides to its clients. Forecasts are based on a proprietary model developed through an advanced methodology.
NET repeats market functioning through a wide set of variables, algorithms and feedback effects. The system is conceived to take into account actual key market elements and potential future changes, both in planning and regulatory framework and technologies.
This tool is fundamental to create scenarios and evaluate the impacts of various factors: financial, economic, technological and regulative ones.
NET flexibility allows to cope with a complex and fast-changing market, giving more value to users in different applications.
For more information: net@althesys.com