
In order to best represent the complexity of public utility industry, analysis and prizes system are multi-level based, and in the 8th edition there are seven different prizes:

  1. TOP UTILITY – goes to the company that gains the best result in the multi-level evaluation system and is the best in the general evaluation.
  2. TOP UTILITY SUSTAINABILITY  – given to the company that reaches excellence in environmental sustainability and CSR.
  3. TOP UTILITY COMMUNICATION  – awards the best utility in media and communication activity, considering all different communication channels (advertising, web and press) and all various segments (customer communication, financial, environmental and social communication).
  4. TOP UTILITY RESEARCH AND INNOVATION – RSE – recognizes excellences in technology and innovation performance. This section is carried on in cooperation with RSE, reference point for R&D in the energy industry in Italy.
  5. TOP UTILITY CONSUMERS AND TERRITORY  – awarded to the company with the best results in customer services, relations with stakeholders and promotion of the territory.
  6. TOP UTILITY OPERATIVE PERFORMANCES  – for the best overall performances in the ordinary operations in the specific sector.
  7. TOP UTILITY DIVERSITY – awards the best utility in diversity, inclusion and CSR policies, in particular in HR management and in corporate strategies.


TOP UTILITY – This prize goes to the company with the best overall result based on a multi-variable evaluation system. This system is based on the following criteria:

  • Economic and financial performance
  • Sustainability
  • Communication
  • Fall-out on the territory
  • Innovation and research


TOP UTILITY SUSTAINABILITY – Awards the best company in environmental sustainability and CSR. The evaluation is based on parameters that include:

  • Resources efficiency
  • Carbon footprint and water footprint
  • Waste production, waste management and recycling
  • CSR, with particular focus on communities and HR


TOP UTILITY COMMUNICATION – is given to the best company in communication, considering all different channels (advertising, online, press etc.) and various segments (customer communication, financial, environmental, social communication etc.). The media and communication evaluation is mainly made up of the following criteria:

  • website quality, considering clarity, accessibility and completeness
  • transparent and exhaustive financial, institutional and environmental communication
  • customer and stakeholder communication quality


TOP UTILITY RESEARCH AND INNOVATION – RSE – By cooperating with RSE, the best company in technological innovation is found out and awarded. This area takes into account:

  • R&D investments
  • Innovation projects in processes and services
  • Innovative technologies, materials and operations


Goes to the best company in customer and relations with the local communities. 

The evaluation is mainly based on:

  • Customer service quality
  • Complaint and lawsuits management
  • Liberality and sponsorships for activities on the territory
  • Guided tours to plants and didactic projects with schools


Awards the utility with the best results in operations, evaluating processes’ efficiency and cost-effectiveness, specifically defined in each different business area analyzed by Top Utility.

The evaluation criteria are:

  • Operative costs and staff costs per service unit
  • Investments
  • Parameters regarding technical and commercial quality of service 
  • Performance indicators (separate collection, grid losses, etc.)


It is given to the company most committed to diversity, inclusion and CSR in HR and corporate strategy.

This commitment is evaluated considering:

  • Diversity and inclusion policies
  • Attention to gender and cultural and social diversity
  • Female presence in the company and in its management positions
  • Focus on training and competences valorization